My cool Jag stuff
Here's a list of some of the Jaguar stuff I've collected.
Tempest 2000 T-shirt
This baby’s white, and has an oval picture of the cover art on the back. In front, there is an Atari logo and Jaguar logo.
Iron Soldier T-shirt
This shirt is black, and has a large picture of the box art on the back. On front is the Atari and Jaguar logo. I think I’ve worn this one too much as the picture is becoming faded.
Jaguar T-Shirt
I picked this shirt up at Jag Fest '97....Atari and Jag logos on front....Jaguar eyes and "64 bit interactive multimedia system" on back!
Atari T-Shirt
Probably my favorite Jag/Atari T-shirt. I picked this up at the Fest, too..it's black and sports a huge Atari logo on front.....people can't miss it!
Tempest 2000 Soundtrack CD
Most Jag CD owners have this masterpiece. A great set of tunes.
Defender 2000 Soundtrack CD
Yeah...you read it right! As a result of a few mini-competitions at Jag Fest '97, I got the D2K soundtrack CD. It was put together by Stephen Anderson. Very cool :)
Jaguar Lapel Pin
Got this at Jag Fest too.....now it's in my Jaguar hat!
Atarian Certified Game Player patch
hehehe...got this at the Fest too...jeeez! I believe Dan from the AVC was passing these out.
Jaguar game promotional posters
I have a poster for almost every Atari released Jaguar game, and a few others for 3rd party releases. My walls are covered with these 8 X 12 posters.
Alien Vs. Predator and Iron Soldier full-sized posters
These are large box art posters with screenshots located on the bottom. Game credits are listed below, and of course the Jaguar logo is featured at the bottom as well. Very slick.
Jaguar hat
Silk-screened slash marks across the bill. Atari and Jaguar logos flawlessly stitched in front, and an Atari logo in the back.
Jaguar Pen
Killer Jaguar fountain pen from Parker.
Jaguar sports bottle
Although I don’t drink out of it much, it’s good to have around.
Jaguar bike bottle
I don’t even have a place for this on my bike. I just wanted it.
Jaguar sunglass chums
I bought my sister the Jag glasses...but she didn’t want the chums, so I kept them.
Kasumi Ninja headband
This came with the game...(does it come with all of them?)...It hangs on my wall until I start to play Kasumi, then I put it on to get pumped up. Just kidding! hehehe
Jaguar poster
I hear these were only released with the first Jaguars. This has pictures of Tiny Toons, Checkered flag, Trevor McFur, Dino Dudes, and CyberMorph. A great centerpiece for my poster setup.
Jaguar bumper stickers
Two of these baby’s are on the front and back of my truck. I’m saving the rest in hopes of a new car.
Clear Atari logo window sticker
Stick this baby on the inside of your car or truck window. I only have one.
Atari Flying high pin
A little gray pin with silver lettering. Cool.
....I hope to collect more stuff. If you've got a special Jaguar item, E-Mail Me!
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