Myst by Cyan and Atari


Type:RPG Adventure
Levels:Not implemented
ProController:Very little

Get lost in the worlds of Myst. Use your mind to unlock the secrets of ages past. What happened to the worlds Atrus created? Is one of his sons behind the destruction? It's up to you to find out. Take careful notes. Everything you see or hear. no matter how insignificant, could be the key to unlocking the mystery.

Myst is a weird game. There is no violence or action, but it is a remarkable gaming experience. One of my favorites, actually. You're stuck on this island, myst, and there's nothing to do but explore it. There are tons of things to explore and discover. You will be treated to some delicious visual wonders. Excellently detailed and smoothly shaded backgrounds. This game uses 16-bit(65,000) color as compared to a wimpy 8-bit(256) of the competition including the PC. The sound in the game is a real treat as well. Music and outdoor type sound effects set the mood of mystery and intrigue. Totally high quality audio in here. Control is easy as pie. With settings for your cursor speed, you won't need a mouse. The gameplay is insanely addicting! After you have collected the first few pages hidden on the island, you might have trouble doing anything else but playing this game. My friend played a straight 14-15 hours to beat it one night (with just a little help from myself). The puzzles are challenging and clever. When you solve one, you'll be proud of yourself :). I don't find anything bad about this game. It's just perfect. Now to the categories.

All rendered and stuff. Way more colorful than any other version.
Excellent environmental sounds along with some cool and eery music. Voicing throughout is very cool.
Control is right on. You can choose how fast your moves around. Easy as point-and-click.
Very little loading. 65,000 colors. Blows all other versions away! Even some cool FMV.
Fun factor-10
The puzzles are great. I couldn't let go of the controller. One of the best games ever? I think so.
by Wes Powell

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