Primal Rage CD

    * Cheats:
       * Activate Cheat Menu (during opening "Jungle Scene"):
         (Note: these have to be done very quickly and it may take several
         attempts till you get the new "Cheat" item on the main menu.)
    * Eggs:
       * Alternate character colors (at character select screen):
          * Original Recipe = (HQ)
          * Old Alternate   = (HP) or (HQ + HF)
          * Weird #1        = (HQ + LQ)
          * Weird #2        = (HQ + LF)
    * Hidden Moves: Some of these were already listed in the manual.
      HQ, HF, HP, LQ, LF, & LP refer to your button settings/config.
       * Armadon
            * Bed-0-nails         : (HF+LQ)+(D,U)
            * Iron Maiden         : (HF+LQ)+(Aw-U-T)
            * Mega Charge         : (HQ+LQ)+(Aw-D-T)
            * The Gut Gouger      : (HP+LQ)+(T,Aw)
            * Hornication Uppercut: (HP+LQ)+(DT-T-UT)
            * Spinning Death      : (HQ+LF)+(Aw,T-D)
                                 or (HQ+LF)+(T-D-Aw)
            * Flying Spikes       : (HF+LF)+(Aw-U)
            * Gut Fling^          : (HP+LQ)+(D,D,D,D,U)
            * Meditation^         : (HP+LP)+(T,D,Aw,T,T)
            * The Impaler^        : (HP+LP)+(D,Aw,U,D)
            * Chomp a Human       : (HP+LP)+(U-T)
       * Blizzard
            * Short Mega Punch    : (HQ+LQ)+(Aw,T)
            * Quick Mega Punch    : (HP+LP)+(Aw,T)
            * Long Mega Punch     : (HF+LF)+(Aw,T)
            * Fake Mega Punch     : (HQ+LQ)+(D,U)
            * Freeze Breath       : (HP+LF)+(Aw,T)
            * Ice Geyser          : (HP+LF)+(D,U)
            * Punching Bag        : (HQ+LF)+(T-D-Aw-U), HQ*
                  then for wind-up: HF/LQ/LF
            * Air Throw           :  (HF+LQ)
            * Throw               : (HF+LQ)+(T-D-Aw-U)
            * Brain Bash^         : (HP+LF)+(D,D-Aw-U-T)
            * To-Da-Moon^         : (HP+LP)+(D,D,D,D,U)
            * Redemption^         : (HP+LP)+(D,T,U,D,U)
            * Chomp a Human       : (HP+LP)+(Aw-U-T-D)
       * Chaos
            * Grab-'n'-Throw      : (HF+LF)+(T,Aw) 
            * Slow Power Puke     : (HF+LQ)+(U-T)
            * Fast Power Puke     : (HQ+LF)+(U-T)
            * Fart of Fury        : (HF+LQ)+(D-T-U-A)
            * Ground Shaker       : (HF+LQ)+(Aw,AU,AD)
            * Flying Butt Slam    : (HF+LF)+(D-T-U-UT-DT) 
            * Battering Ram       : (HQ+LQ)+(T,T)
            * Golden Shower^      : (HQ+LQ)+(D,D)-(HP+LP)+(Aw,T,Aw,T)
            * Cannonball^         : (HP+LP)+(DA,UT-DT-DA)
            * The Churl^          : (HP+LP)+(T,T,T,Aw,Aw,Aw)
            * Chop a Human        : (HP+LP)+(T-D-Aw)
       * Diablo
* Slow Fireball       : (HF+LF)+(D-T)
            * Fast Fireball       : (HQ+LQ)+(D-T)
            * Torch               : (HQ+LQ)+(U-T)
            * Hot Foot            : (HF+LF)+(UA,DT) 
            * Mega Lunge          : (HQ+LF)+(Aw-D-T)
            * The Pulverizer      : (HQ+LF)+(U-T-D)
            * Infernal Flash      : (HF+LP)+(U)
            * Incinerator^        : (HP+LP)+(UA-D-DT)
            * Fireball^           : (HF+LP)+(T,T,T,T,T)
            * Infernal^           : (HQ+LP)+(U,D,U,D,D)
            * Chomp a Human       : (HP+LP)+(D,U,D)
       * Sauron
            * Primal Scream       : (HQ+LQ)+(D,U) 
            * Earthquake Stomp    : (HP+LF)+(U,D)
            * The Cranium Crusher : (HQ+LF)+(D,U) 
            * Leaping Bone Bash   : (HF+LQ)+(D,U,D)
            * Stun Roar           : (HQ+LQ)+(Aw,T)
            * Air Throw           :  (HF+LF)
            * Neck Throw          : (HF+LF)+(T+Aw) 
            * Carnage^            : (HP+LP)+(Aw,T,Aw,T,Aw)
            * Flesh Eating^       : (HQ+LQ)+(D,D)-(HP+LP)+(U,U)
            * Grape Crusher^      : (HP+LP)+(U,D,U,D,D)
            * Chomp a Human       : (HP+LP)+(D,D,U)
       * Talon
            * Brain Basher        : (HF+LQ)+(Aw-U-T)
            * Pounce & Flip       : (HF+LQ)+(T-D-T)
            * Frantic Fury        : (HQ+LF)+(D-T)
            * The Slasher         : (HQ+LP)+(D-T) 
            * The Face Ripper     : (HF+LF)+(D-T)
            * Jugular Bite        : (HF+LF)+(Aw,T) 
            * Run Forward/Back    : (HQ+LQ)+(T/Aw)
            * Heart Wrenching^    : (HQ+LP)+(T-D-Aw-U)
            * Shredder^           : (HQ+LF)+(T-D-Aw-U)
            * Stampede^           : (HP+LP)+(T,Aw,U,D)
            * Chomp a Human       : (HP+LP)+(T-D-Aw)
       * Vertigo
            * Slow Venom Spit     : (HF+LF)+(T,T)
            * Fast Venom Spit     : (HQ+LQ)+(T,T)
            * Voodoo Spell        : (HF+LQ)+(Aw,Aw) 
            * Ground Teleport     : (HF+LF)+(D,D)
            * Air Teleport        : (HF+LF)+(D,U)
            * Come Slither        : (HQ+LQ)+(Aw,Aw) 
            * Scorpion Sting      : (HF+LQ)+(T,T) 
            * Petrify^            : (HF+LF)+(Aw,Aw,Aw)-(HP+LP)+(T,T)
            * Shrink & Eat^       : (HF+LF)+(Aw,Aw,Aw)-(HP+LP)+(D,U)
            * La Vache Qui Rit^   : (HP+LP)+(Aw,Aw,Aw,D,T)
            * Chomp a Human       : (HP+LP)+(D-T-U)

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