Raiden by Imagitec Design

Type:Vertical Shooter
Players:1 or 2 simultaneously
The Power of Jaguar, The Excitement of the Arcade

Mother Earth has fallen to deranged aliens. Now, as pilot of the Raiden Supersonic Attack Fighter, you must rip through the enemy lines and mount a daring Raiden, the ultimate arcade game conversion. Showcasing the Atari Jaguar's 64-bit capabilities, Raiden enhances the vertical-shooter excitement of an all-time arcade favorite with brilliant sounds and exceptional speed and motion.

game: This is a straight forward shoot-em-up game. No instructions are necessary, just shoot everything in sight and grab the power-ups. This game reminds me of an updated version of Galaga. The story line and game play is similar. The enemy ship flying patterns in the space levels are very reminiscant of Galaga.

Nothing outstanding here. Targets are easily identifiable which is good. The graphics won't impress anyone but they are good enough for this type of game. The scrolling is smooth unlike some other scrolling games I have played. Over all this game is easy on the eyes even after extended game play.
Nothing impressive here either. Simply put, it's just background noise.
Fun factor-8
This game is a lot of fun. I only wish it had more levels. After level 8 it simply repeats. I think it should of had at least 5 more levels.
Replay factor-9
When I first got this game I played it over and over for hours. It was simple and challenging at the same time. A perfect mix of the two.
I don't think it pushes the Jaguar hardware in any way. I still think its a fun game anyway.
The graphics and music pull the rating down. I would still recommend this game to anyone. Great fun!
by John Myers

Wes' Review of Raiden
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