Attack of the Mutant Penguins by Sunrise Games

Type:3/4 view action strategy
Levels:20 + 3 bonuses

Not spectacular, but nothing to bash on either. Good use of color. The backgrounds are very smooth. The scrolling is pretty smooth too. Funny animations and BLOOD! High quality and resolution artwork. COOL!

Sound/music--8 1/2
No music in the game, but the sound fx are what really make this game cool. Hilarious.

Very well done for this type of game. Everything is easy to do!

Not much on graphics, but originality, fun play and new ideas are where this game shows it's power.

Fun factor-10
A blast! Tons of rad power-ups and cool bonus rounds. The best game of it's kind.



"Very very fun to play. Very original and cool use of gore. Bonuses keep it from being repetitive. Could've used more levels though."-Wes Powell

"Overall the game looks pretty good and it can actually be rather engaging"-Video games

by Wes Powell

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