Atari Karts by Miracle Designs

Type:3D racer
Players:1 or 2 split screen
Levels:4 cup tournaments

Very smooth frame rate. The tracks feature up to 5 layers of parallax scrolling. Very good texture mapped tracks and backgrounds. The characters animate nicely as well....Too bad there aren't more 3D landscapes that have actual height...The hills are well done though.

Sound/music-8 1/2
Well done. Not your usual hard core type stuff. Softer type tunes that kinda make the game flow. The sounds of the engines are pretty believable also.

Control-8 1/2
Depends on which vehicle you have, but overall its good with the exception of a few sticky spots here and there.

Power-8 1/2
Very smooth. Good frame speed. Parallax adds to the coolness. Very smooth graphics and artwork.

Fun factor-9
Very fun and challenging to play. Two player split screen adds to the replay value.



"Very cool and fun to play."-Wes Powell

"I think that there should be more three demensional type landscaping, fun though."-Matt Simper

by Wes Powell

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