Super Burnout by Shen Technologies

Players:1 or 2
Levels:8 tracks
ProController:When manual transmission is chosen

Open the Throttle and Let 'er Rip!

This game will get your adrenaline pumping and pin you to your seat with it's 'G' force. As you lean into the first bend you'll feel like you're really there. Go for it! Twist the throttle hard and ride that curve like a pro. Take the ride of your life on these fantastic bikes!

Super Burnout is one of the best racers I've ever played. Lots of people put this game down because of lack of innovation. This game takes old and new things and does them to perfection.

Graphically, SBO has alot of things going for it. First of all, Smoothness of scaling. Lightning fast, ultra-smooth scaling at 60 frames per second.

Secondly. The road texture maps are liquid smooth. These textures are very detailed and flow smoothly with the road. This gives the game some visual boost. The hills are very cool. These create the sense of pure speed and create the roller coaster effect. Very rage.

Then the rest. The riders don't use any special effects, but yet they are smooth and shiny. Animation is tops. The off-road sprites are nicely detailed and fairly clean and colorful. More track-side sprites should have gone in for more flare. The way that the background fades is excellently done. The sunset will fade into darkness (headlight included) in America. Dawn to daylight in Brazil. Australia is a total night race. There are many frames of animation involved in this. It happens so smoothly, you won't notice until your headlight turns off or on. The clouds scroll by when you race and there are some nicely done backdrops that scroll back and forth when you turn. Overall the graphics are excellent.

Sound wise, SBO excells. The race announcer sounds kinda wierd but is very clear. The engine sounds are surprisingly realistic too. There is quite a selection of music tracks to race to. 14 to be exact. There is even a music test. The only thing it lacks is some more effects. That would've been very nice.

Gameplay rocks! 8 tracks: technical, semi-technical, or high speed. The game's control is the best I've ever felt in a racer. Very responsive to all of your moves. 6 bikes (7) with varying degrees of grip, acceleration, and speed balance out the gameplay. 2 player split screen works very well and is just as smooth and fast as 1 player. Just a little more pop-up. Well executed here as well.

If you haven't played this game, Play it!!

This game looks very nice. Great smoothness and quality of texture mapping. The riders look very good and so does everything else. More off-road stuff would've boosted this to a ten. Things can look a bit plain off to the side.
I think the music deserves a 9 1/2 or 10, but the lack of sound effects holds this one down a bit. Too bad.
Absolutely awesome!
Power-9 1/2
Speeeeeeed! Blazing speeds with ultra smooth scaling. This is probably THE fastest game I've ever played. Everything is executed with ease and excellence.
Fun factor-10
You'll always be striving to beat your old records. Two player only adds to this. Very fun and addicting.
by Wes Powell

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