Super Burnout

Type: 3D Racer
Players: 1 or 2
Tracks: 8
ProController: For manual transmission


Ultra-fast speed at 60 fps and the high-velocity rhythm set the graphics on fire. Plain backdrops and not so detailed scenery... but don't worry, cuz as the day fades into night and your headlights flicker to life, you be stunned. :)


Not as sharp as the graphics, but you'll eat them up as well. Upbeat and high tempo songs with spectacular voice, cheers, and skids leave your ears as pleased as your eyes.


The game moves so fast you may fly off the track every once in a while, but it works out great.


YES! Eat your heart out 16-bitters! You'll see Jagu-style all over this game.

Fun factor:-9

2-player split screen... and it's still as furious? YES! Fun fun fun!


"Burnout sets most other Jag racers on a lower level. A breakthrough on the Jag."
-Chad Ridgeway (Jaguar Game Reviewer)

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