Brutal Sports Football by Telegames

Type:2D footbrawl
Players:1 or 2
Levels:5(?) leagues

Nice animation but nothing too awesome. The scrolling is nice, but slightly choppy. Nice little details like the players ripping up the playfield.

No voice. So, so music. Not really anything to help or hurt it. A couple digitized grunts, but nothing to shout about.

It is really easy to just jump in and start playing this game. Perfect for young and older crowds alike.

Power-6 1/2
Again nothing spectacular, but fun to play with friends. A great game to have parties with.

Fun factor-9
Hack off eachothers heads and watch the blood fly! Stomp on their faces and use all of those awesome power-ups on your friends or computer opponents.



"This is non-stop action at it's best! You never get a break uuntil the whistle blows, and that is what gamers want"-EGM

"Among the best games roaring on the Jag"-Gamepro

"The use of color is amazing...the red really leaps off the screen."-Gamepro

"Brutal Sports Football may not set any technological standards, but if you're in the mood for some good un-clean fun, this is the ticket"-Gamefan

by Wes Powell

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