Cannon Fodder by Virgin and The Dome

Type:3/4 view action stategy
Levels:30(?) missions with various phases in each

Small characters. The terrain is very smooth and real looking. The static screens are a treat, and are very detailed and ultra colorful.

Sound/music-9 1/2
Very well done music in this cart. The outdoor sounds seem like they were digitized. The wailing sounds of the troops are very rad.

Control-9 1/2
Couldn't be much easier.

Tons of levels and mega challenge make this a must-have for stategy fans. Tons of action too. Fun factor-10
I love this game. Note: the challenge in this game may turn certain people off.



"The Jaguar version of Cannon Fodder is exactly what the system's versions should have been. Sound and graphically speaking, the Jaguar version of the game is by far the best version available for any console."-Ken Love, Virgin Interactive U.S.

"I agree!"-Wes Powell

"Much better than the PC version."-Matt Simper

"Jaguar game of the year '95"-EGM buyers guide

"...An excellent game with loads of playability"-Zach Meston of Video Games

"The controls are sweet and simple"-Zach Meston

by Wes Powell

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