Iron Soldier by Eclipse

Type:3D mech war sim.
Levels:16 missions

Awesome explosions with tons of colors and even some excellent use of texture mapping. The enemies are roto-scoped perfectly.

Great sound effects for explosions and gunshots. Excellent sounds in there for the rockets. The music sets and industrialist mood.

Again, with 3d games there are more controls to use, so you have to remember that things will be a little more complicated than 2d games. IS perfectly gives you 3d control of the mech.

The Jag throws tons of huge light sourced polygons around the screen with ease. Lots of variety in the missions too!

Fun factor-10
Playing this game is a riot! The BEST war simulation On anything to date!



"The 42-foot first person perspective has to be seen to be believed. Sure to be a hit."-EGM2

"The best game of it's kind."

"Simulation game of the year, among all hardware platforms."-Gamefan

"Gripping first person game with edge-of-the-seat excitement."-Gamepro

"Atari buttoned this one up just right."

"With enough firepower to straighten Don King's hair...well almost."Gamefan

"It's in a word fantastic. You actually feel 40 foot tall."

"As you negotiate each area you'll take on helicopters, tanks, fixed gun turrets and other mechs and basically blow the crap out of everything in sight, resulting in the most spectacular explosions you have ever seen."-Gamefan

by Wes Powell

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