Kasumi Ninja by Hand Made Software and Atari

Type:2D fighter
Players:1 or 2
Characters:8 + 2 bosses

Cleanly digitized fighters with awesome texture-mapped backgrounds. Tons of parallax scrolling in the backgrounds too. Nice gore in those Fatalities.

Sound/music-7 1/2
Nice voice with the usual grunts and groans. The music is so,so.

Control-7 1/2
There is a delay factor in this game....the speed just isn't there.

Power-8 1/2
Great graphics...excellent parallax scrolling in the texture mapped backdrops...the game runs at 30 frames per second.

Fun factor-7 1/2
It'll keep ya tuned in to watch the killer fatals, but the thrill of it all wears off.



"With a little more speed, this game could've been one of the best 2D fighters ever.....everything else was there....Oh yeah, get someone else to do the announcers voice!"-Wes Powell

by Wes Powell

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