Imagine this...

After all the hype surrrounding the release of Final Fantasy 7, your friend decides to pre-order the game. Thing is, he doesn't even have a Playstation, but he pre-orders the game anyways. The hype must be working. Anyways, to top it all off, he asks you to sell his Jaguar over the Internet because he wants the money for his PSX. And besides he "Doesn't play it much anyways." So you agree (being the good friend that you are) and find yourself someone who will buy it.

Weeks later, Final Fantasy has been released and still your inconsiderate friend has not shipped out his Jaguar to the online bidder. Your friend has picked up his FFVII but not his PSX, so he reads the manual for 4 days until he gets paid and has the money to blow on his precious Playstation...

The day arrives when he gets the Playstation and, anxious to show it off, he brings it over to your house. You get it set up and begin to play the pack-in of demos included with the PSX unit. The machine locks up. So, you throw in FFVII, along with the memory card, and begin to watch your friend play. After about an hour and a half of playing, he saves his game and turns if off. It's getting late so you go to bed.

Waking up the next morning, your friend begins to play FFVII again, and finds that the game was not saved. He begins to play again and after about 10 mins, he says "Want to play Club Drive?" You agree and throw your Club Drive cart in your Jag...your friend says "I wanted to play something cool, you know?"

All too true...

[...return to reality...]