Power Drive Rally by Rage and TWI

Type:3/4 view racing
Players:1 or 2 alternating
Levels:34 races

Small but yet totally detailed and colorful you won't mind them being small. The car is rendered nicely, and the scenery is done very well.

Sound/music-8 1/2
The engine is kinda cool sounding. Your partner shouts out directions and is pretty clear(very helpful). The music is some awesome and some no-so-good.

Excellent control of the cars. The control actually changes in different climates. Has a very realistic feel to it.

Power-8 1/2
Not really pushing the limits, but still a great and fun game.

Fun factor-10
One of the funnest Jag games yet. Two player simultaneous would be even cooler though.



"Some very excellent track layouts. Cool suff like saving for new cars and repairing the one you have. Race through rain, snow, night and even in sand storms. Very Rage!"-Wes Powell

by Wes Powell

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