Raiden by Imagitec Design

Type:Vertical Shooter
Players:1 or 2

Graphics-7 1/2
If compared to the arcade, it's a 10, but it's the Jag we're comparing it to. Excellent color, Parallax, explosions and textured asteroids.

Sound/music-8 1/2
Excellent score remixed by who else but Imagitec Design. Very good bass on the space levels. All of the 'cade sound effects to go along.

Turning and didging stuff is very easily done your ship moves a a perfect speed.

Power-6 1/2 No slowdown at all, even with two players blasting it out. Never a flicker either. Just no special stuff...nothing to give it a boost.

Fun factor-8 1/2
With either one or two players this game is totally fun to play. I wish there were more levels though.



"Among the most popular arcade shoot-em ups of recent years, this vertically-scrolling(with limited side scrolling) Sci-fi mayhem maker perfectly capture the graphics of Fabtek's arcade original."-Electronic Games

by Wes Powell

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