Super Burnout by Shen and Virtual Xperience

Type:3D motorcycle racing
Players:1 or 2
Procontroller:When manual trans. is chosen

The road has liquid smooth texture mapping. Totally colorful sprites. The effect of the night turning into dawn(or visa versa) is so smooth you hardly notice it. The animation on the riders is very smooth. 60 frames per second action!

Ties Tempest for overall coolness. Lots of work went into the surround sound side of things. Lots of bass. The annoncer dude is cool. Quite a bit of voice. The engines are very realistic.

The most responsive control I've ever felt in a racing game!

Two player split screen action is rad. Concentrate in this word.......SPEED! Tons of SPEED!

Fun factor-10
Total racing joy. Really awesome. The 8 tracks and 4 modes of play will keep ya playing.

Overall-98% Quotes:

"Overall I can't find any flaws. Super Burnout delivers exactly what it's meant to."-Gamefan

"The frame rate definately needs work."-EGM... HELLO? You guys suck! Go on, make up some more!

"I couldn't hear the sound of my bike as you would in a real race."-EGM... HELLO? That's why they have all those volume knobs built into the game STUPID!

by Wes Powell

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