Tempest 2000 by Llamasoft and Atari

Type:3D shooting action
Players:1 or 2
Levels:200 + bonuses

Excellent 3d rendered polygons with thousands of colors. Awesome bonus rounds. Cycle shading is used on the webs. The starfiald in the back adds to the rush. Extremely Psycho, but yet totally awesome bonus rounds. I love that meltovision and pixelshatter.

Yes!!! Some of the best music that I have ever heard in a video game.Tons of wierd voices in there too! Rad explosion sound effects. Totally rockin' techno soundtrack.

Play for five minutes and then it will come naturally. I like the pad as much as the arcade type ball, because this is easier to stop on a dime.

Tons of totally high quality and awesomely shaded polygons flippin' around the screen. SOOO many enemies but yet no slowdown. Power game to show off to your friends, dude.

Fun factor-10
This game has unlimited replay value. The 2 player options are really awesome.



"Best sound and best shooter '94."-Video Games

"One of the most intense video gaming experiences ever,"- Next-Generation

"Further proof that the next generation of gaming has arrived."-Gamefan

"This game sets a new standard for intensity."-Gamefan

" 10- Editors gold award."-EGM

"Game of the month."-Gamefan

"CES game of the show."-Electronic Games

"This game rocks!"-Gamepro

"In my opinion Tempest beats Tetris as the most addictive game ever."-San francisco Examiner

"It's engulfing, it's entertaining and it sounds freakin' amazing as it rocks and talk....all this housed in a cartridge."- Gamefan

"This will probably be known as the best Jaguar game ever. It showed the world what the Jaguar is capable of."-Wes Powell

by Wes Powell

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