Theme Park by Ocean

Type:Theme park simulation
Levels:Not implemented

Build Your Very Own Amusement Park!
You've ridden every ride, spent your pocket money on the slot machines, and filled up on hot dogs and candy floss. You've even mastered you're ready to design and operate you own amusement park. You chose the location, hire the staff, build and repair the rides, manage the cash flow, even decide how much salt to put on the french fries. But make your decisions wisely...there's nothing like a broken Ferris Wheel to turn you customers into an army of merciless vandals.

After being pleased with Baldies, I looked forward to getting this game. I can now say that I am now a big fan of these type of games. I love more interaction and possibilities.

This game starts you out with a free bit of land in the U.K. and some cash to get things going. You start out with a few shops, rides, and trees ect. You can then set aside some of your flow for research of new rides, improved rides, new shops, and more attractive trees and toilets. You must keep up with the customer's demands for food by ordering more when you need it. The interactivity in this game is what makes it so cool. You can jack up the speed on your rides, but make sure the little dudes aren'y barfing all over, cause then you'll have to hire more staff to clean it up. There are 27 different rides and 6 of which you can design yourself. Design your own rubber tubing ride or roller coaster. Get a fry place and then put loads of salt in them, then get a coke place and boost your prices a little bit and set it next to the fries. This will bring in some extra flow. Many possibilities.

The graphics in this game are extremely well done for this genre. Everything has a nice and shiny look, almost rendered. The colors look great and the static screens also look extremely cool.

The sound in this one is a bit weak. There just aren't enough F/X. Of course you have the puking noise and everything else, but it needed more. The music is O.K. Whenever you go near a ride that is running, you'll hear the music for that ride. Nothing spectacular at all, just gets the job done.

The control is a little bit touchy. There are a lot of menus and stuff to utilize that are hard to locate at first, but with time you'll have them memorized. The complaint here is that sometimes you'll select things that you don't intend to because the cursor is a bit touchy. Just a minor flaw though.

If you're an action game type person, I'd still give it a try. I think if you play with it long enough, you'll grow to love these type of games. They do take patience, but they are very cool. If I had to compare this to Baldies, I go with this, because there are more things to do. This may now have a better score but I think it has a slight edge. Categories please.

Graphics-8 1/2
Very shiny and well shaded and stuff. The artwork is pretty good too. Nice colors and static screens.
Sound/music-7 1/2
This one's stuck on average. I think it just needed a little extra boost from something. It gets by though.
Once again, a little touchy at times, but it's adequate.
Power-7 1/2
Not spectacular, just very cool.
Fun factor-9 1/2
You'll be constantly looking to get the next ride or shop to make your customers happy. Although you might do a little waiting sometimes, it's worth it. Great.
by Wes Powell
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