Ultra Vortek

    * Cheats (at options screen):
       * Uppercut Annihilations (during "Annihilation Time"):
            Uppercut opponent (D+Punch). Works with any character only on
            the "Stoned Poseidon", "Hell's Kitchen", or "Temple of the
            Vortek" stages.
       * Anvil Annihilations (during "Inner City Chaos Stage" only):
            Do this far from opponent so you don't get crushed by the anvil
            that drops from the sky. D, D, D, then:
             * A (for Lucius, Dreadloc, and Skullcrusher)
             * B (for Volcana and Grok)
             * C (for Buzzsaw and Mercury).
    * Eggs:
       * Enable speed selector option (at title screen):
            1+5+9  ("fight" confirms)
            (can select "normal" or "turbo" speed)
       * Hidden Backgrounds (during background select screen):
          * Subway Passage: *
          * Hidden Palace : #
       * Hidden Characters:
          * Carbon: Must be on Hard or Killer level, one-player mode,
            "Earthquake Zone" stage, win a double perfect. Carbon will be on
            "Subway Passage" stage. Easy way to get a double perfect in
            "Earthquake Zone": at beginning of game, beat the first opponent
            then lose & continue for the others until "Earthquake Zone",
            then get in one hit and block until the timer runs out.
       * Enable voice modem (at title screen):
            9,1,1  (emergency on phone pad)
       * Test Mode (enter at the "EYE"):
       * Change Music/Sound FX/Volume (in the middle of a round):
            Pause, A/B/C
    * Hidden Moves: Some of these were already listed in the manual.
      P, K, & J refer to your button settings/config.
       * Buzzsaw
            * Airgrab & Slam         : U, D + P 
            * Bolo                   : T, T, J 
            * Gut Grinder            : Aw + P* 
            * Gut Spear              :  Aw, T, P 
            * Hi, Buzzsaw            : T, T, P 
            * Pain Machine           :  Aw, T, K 
            * Ricochet Blades        : UA, D + J
            * Bolo Beheading^        : T, T, T, J 
            * Screwed^               : D, T, P 
            * Poopality^             : D, D, Aw, T, Aw, J, P, Hold K
       * Dreadloc
            * Spear Dive             : U, D, D, P 
            * Back Off, Man!         : T, P
            * Come to Daddy          : T, T, P 
            * Fire Breath            : T, Aw, P 
            * Jab (low)              : D, P
            * Speed Slice            :  Aw, T, P 
            * Spin Staff             : D, T, J
            * Volleyball^            : Aw, T, J 
            * Shish Kebab^           : T, T, T, J 
            * Poopality^             : D, D, Aw, T, Aw, J, P, Hold K
       * Grok
            * Boulder Bounce         : UT, D + J
            * Boulder Morph          :  Aw, D + J 
            * Ground Pounder         :  Aw, J 
            * The Tenderizer         : Aw + P* 
            * Avalanche^             : Jump over opponent, D + K
            * Moon Shot^             :  D + J 
       * Lucius
            * Electrotherapy         : T, Aw, P* 
            * Spark Wave             : T, T, K
            * Hawk Attack Low        : U, D, J
            * Hawk Attack High       : U, D + P 
            * Hawk Teleport          : U, J
            * Ground Lightning       : D, T, P 
            * Air Lightning          : U, T + P
            * Spinning Back Kick     : Aw, K
            * Electric Death^        : T, T, Aw, P 
            * Hawk Decapitation^     : U, Aw, Aw, P 
            * Poopality^             : D, D, Aw, T, Aw, J, P, Hold K
       * Mercury
            * Big Gooey              : Aw, T, P* 
            * Porcupine Spikes       : D, D, P + K
            * Sawblade               :  Aw, T, K
            * Spinning Blade Sweep   : D, D, K + J
            * Ground Beef^           : D, T, J
            * Rock'em Sock'em^       : T, T, P 
            * Poopality^             : D, D, Aw, T, Aw, P, J, Hold K
       * Skullcrusher
            * Brain Fryin' Microwave : T, T, P 
            * Charged Particle Blast : Aw, T, J 
            * Choke & Thump          :  Aw, T + P 
            * Creeping Ground Blast  : T, T, J 
            * Grim Dive of Death     :  D, U 
            * Knife Head Butt        : Aw, T, P* 
            * Stride & Slide         : T, K 
            * Fatal Grip^            : T, T, Aw, J 
            * Head, Well Done^       :  Aw, T, J 
       * Volcana
            * Fire-bomb              : UA, D + P 
            * Fire-breath            : Aw, P* 
            * Fireport Behind        : D, Aw
            * Fireport Uppercut      :  D, U
            * Fire-roll              : U, T, J 
            * Fire-wall              :  Aw, K
            * Flame Blast            : D, T, P 
            * Flying Fire-dive       :  Aw, T, J 
            * Blowtorch^             : T, T, Aw, P 
            * Shake 'n Bake^         : D, T, J 

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