The Jagu-Dome Virtual Light Machine Page

The Virtual Light Machine is a mighty cool feature that's built into the Jaguar CD hardware. It displays warping, flashing, melting, shattering..etc. colors as your music CD is played through the unit. The effect is truly stunning! I often find myself playing with this more than my games!

The program is mainly partical and polygon based. Texture maps can be found as well as awesome wave surface objects that flow in a seamless sychronization. 65,000 colors to light up the room. You've even got the strobe light button. Almost half of the 81 effects are user controllable! There is even a hidden code that allows you to edit and create your own effects! There are almost infinite variations!

Special thanks goes out to Jeff Minter and all the others who've helped out on this project.....It's truly awesome!

Hacker's Guide by Wes Powell

Hacks for the VLM

Here's a good hack for # 37....
Here are the instructions

download a Quicktime(tm) movie of the VLM...From the Electric Playground. Take a look at their review of the Jag CD.

Read what Jeff Minter has to say about hacking the VLM...
Intro to VLM hacking

For more info on the VLM, go to the Apex Of Ultimate Light.