White Men Can't Jump

Type:3D Basketball
Players: 1 to 4 W/ Team Tap
Teams: 15
Procontroller: No


The backgrounds are fairly nice but dark and not very sharp. The b-ball players themselves move very choppy (15 fps) and can get things confusing. The zooming camera in smooth and does a good job of keeping everyone in the screen.


The sound FX are clean and the voice is very sharp. You can understand what they're all saying very well and it adds some street ball flavor to the game. The music is pathetic and only annoys. It sounds like a few hours before the game arrived they tried to shove in some last minute tunes.


Easy to use and very responsive.


The 16-bitters could not handle this game at all... but it looks like the Jag has trouble with it too. Not as much color and animation as I like. Still good.

Fun Factor:-8

This is one of those few Jaguar games that has a 4-player option. Very fun with all those people playing together. It even came with the team tap and I play the game every once and a while.


"Cool sounds and gameplay that will bring street ball style to your house."
-Chad Ridgeway (Jaguar Game Reviewer)

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