Zool 2

    * Cheats (at options screen):
       * Infinite health               = 1,1,2,7,5 (Rooster sound)
       * 99 Lives                      = 3,1,9,6,5     "      "
       * Bonus Rounds enabled          = 3,1,8,6,7     "      "
    * Level Codes (at options screen):
       * Bulberry Hill first stage     = 7,7,7,4,9 (Rooster sound)
       * Tooting Common first stage    = 8,8,5,6,3     "      "
       * Snaking Pass first stage      = 3,3,6,6,6     "      "
       * Mount Ices first stage        = 1,1,9,6,8     "      "
       * Mental Blockage start         = 9,1,2,6,6     "      "

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