Zool 2

Type: 2D Platformer
Players: 1 or 2 alternate
Levels: 18
Procontroller: No


Simple colored backgrounds and vibrant foregrounds. Shiny eggs and lot's of motion everywhere. Animation is lacking, but there's some nice effects.


Bubblegum rhythmic music and bouncy sounds. No voice, but cool opening track.


Very jumpy. The up button can be used for jump so sometimes you're flying all over the place. 3 buttons for 3 actions so it works out great.


This is all 16-bit stuff except for a little extra color. Slowdown and flickering is all over the place.

Fun Factor:-8

: The game is reasonably fun. It's very hard but rather enjoyable.


"Zool has something addictive about it. A great platformmer."
-Chad Ridgeway (Jaguar Game Reviewer)

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