Automaniacs Preview

Virtual Dimensions 3D Racing Release Date Unknown

I e-mailed Barry and he did confirm that he is working with Visual Dimensions 3D on this project. This game is basically going to be a Club Drive sequel (as it is what it says currently on his webpage, but they must have decided to go with a fresh name) though having several substanial improvements. The game graphically will be improved quite a bit by the better use of Gourad Shading plus the use of light sourcing. As you can see by the early pics the graphics are much improved from the original Club Drive and he is shooting for a high framerate in this game.

Automaniacs is planned to have three modes of play. The Time Attack Mode, a Race Mode plus the Exploratory Mode which is new. Automaniacs is planned to contain five worlds plus hidden ones. We are familiar with two of them which are Old West World and House World. There are three new ones though. City World will contain many of the features you would find in a city like skyscrapers and parking garages. Also Toyland is planned and a Country Side World which will be similar to the Old West with the addition of distance rallys along with tracks.

Barry said he is in the process of working on new vehicles as he just needs to finish more objects regarding that. He said he will have more screenshots made that have things look like they are supposed to and he said the end product may or may not look like this but it should be quite similar. I'll update this preview as the game progresses. I am looking forward to this one as the sky looks to be the limit and I wish Barry and VD3D the best of luck!

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