
Game Description

Battlemorph is a sequel to the first ever Jaguar game Cybermorph. If you thought Cybermorph was long and challenging wait till you get your hands on this game. There's a whole new mixture of worlds, weapons, enemies, bosses and puzzles! Plus the lands are more diverse. On top of being able to fly above ground you can go underwater and in tunnels! This game also displays quality full-motion sequences. The sequences are not too short, but not ridicuously long either!

Graphics: Battlemorph brings high quality polygon graphics to the table. The graphics are of a much higher quality then Cybermorph (the picture above does not do it justice). Certainly some of the best polygon graphics I have ever seen in a video game! RATING:9.5

Sound: Battlemorph also contains some of the best music and effects on a Jaguar game (besides Tempest). There is a good variety of tunes in each board. The music changes as you head underwater and in tunnels also! The effects are also very prevelent and of great quality! RATING:9.5

Gameplay: In a word: smooth! The play is of very, very high quality and is a pure joy to play! The controls are pretty much perfect, can I say more? RATING:10

Overall: Well, as you may have been able to tell I like this game quite a bit! There are no major flaws. The game is long, and the play is great. Plus the graphics and sound are pretty darn good too. Its one of the best games I have ever played, point blank on any system! If you have a Jaguar CD you MUST purchse this great title! Kudos to the people involved!RATING:10

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