Brutal Sports Football

Developed by Teque, Produced by Telegames

Game Description

Brutal Sports Football was Telegames first ever release for the Jaguar, and now Telegames has become the Jaguars largest third party developer and one of the only companies to bring out new games. Brutal Sports Football is described as football without rules, though to score points you actually need to throw the ball within a goal but the games takes place on a football field. To win in BSF you need to either outscore your opponent or kill most of your opponents by either punching them or picking up one of the various weapons that happen to be laying on the field. You are allowed to play in either a tourny, single games or 2 on 2. BSF contains 11 different teams as you start your quest in this violent PC adaptation!


Brutal Sports Football has nice graphics. While they are nothing that takes the Jaguar to its limits, they are pretty well done as they are detailed and fairly colorful. Nothing amazing but certainly not bad at all, they are vey adequate for this game.


The sound effects are pretty good, as you get to hear the grunts, stomps and all of the other interesting things that take place in Brutal Sports Football. While BSF does not contain a wide range of musical tracks you generally don't expect a sports game to contain a ton of them, they do the job just fine. Overall the music is pretty good, not groundbreaking but not bad at all.


Brutal Sports Football's gameplay is responsive and is done very nicely. Your players run at various speeds depending on the power ups (or downs) that are laying throughout the field. It is not real easy to complete passes but thats the way it should be because its the opponents that are the ones blocking the passes. BSF plays well and the way you would want this game to, Teque did a very nice job.


While Brutal Sports Football is nothing amazing as far as graphics and sound, you'll find it is alot of fun to play. It is extremely enjoyable and you'll find it is even more fun to play with a friend. BSF is a bunch of fun and may be worth looking into, though be warned it is fairly violent! Its a nice first effort by the good people at Telegames!

Graphics: 7.5 Sound: 7.5 Gameplay: 8.5 Overall: 8

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