Cat Box Situation

This was forwarded to me, as ICD is trying to get the word out regarding the Cat Box delays.

Sorry for ignoring you but I was planning on a blanket mailing to all CatBox orders and have not had time. The cases are still not in. The case maker says "end of November". They did move and changed polishing contractors while the order was placed so there is a good chance I will see the cases by the end of November. Once I receive the cases, it is about a 1 week turn around for us to screen the CatBox logo on them, stuff them, test them, box and ship them. Look for them in early December.



PS Feel free to forward this to your newsgroup.


ICD, Incorporated Thomas Harker

1220 Rock St.

Rockford, IL 61101 815-968-2228 x320

USA fax 968-6888

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