Checkered Flag

Published by Atari, Produced by Rebellion

Game Description

Checkered Flag for the Jaguar is a conversion of one of the most popular Lynx games ever. In this game you choose from one of the ten tracks and you can race in one of the six different views. In this game you race in varying weather conditions such as rain, fog and clear weather. You can choose from a tournament or a practice race. You also have access to changing the color of your racer along with some of its parts to meet the weather conditions. This was the Jaguar's first racer.


Checkered Flag contains some very good polygon graphics. While they are not perfect they are very impressive. The game is fairly colorful (when its not raining) and the cars are done fairly well. The graphics all in all are very good and may be this games top quality!


This game contains some pretty good music. It has a different tune for each track and each one is of very good quality. The effects are also pretty good with the sounds of the engines, crashs ect. The announcers voice at the start of the race is very clean and clear, though I believe it is the only voice in the game (how many can you have in a racing game anyways). The sound in Checkered Flag is very impressive!


Checkered Flag's gameplay is a little too touchy which causes you too crash quite a bit and it takes away from the game. While you can easily compete with a bunch of crashes the game is still too touchy. The play is not horrible but it certainly could have used tweeking.


I despite the touchy gameplay I have enjoyed this game and I find myself playing it quite often. For myself the biggest complaint was actually the lack of a save feature during the tourny (I think, I could be missing something and be wrong), the tournament forces you to race a certain number of laps in each race which is a large amount and without a save feature its takes a ton of time to complete the tournament so I generally just play the practice races. This game does sport good polygon graphics and good sound and if you are in need of a racer for the Jag Checkered Flag really is not too bad of a game.

Graphics: 9 Sound: 9 Gameplay: 6 Overall: 7.5

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