The Editorial

My Humble Opinions on Jaguar Issues

Rumor's of Atari Being Close to Sold

I am sure you have all heard the rumor's of Atari being very close to being sold, all of which being denied. Regardless, sources say both Activision and Williams are very interested. There has been some controversy on whether or not this would be a good thing or not. Well, to start with the positive, anything would be better then JTS holding Atari I guess. Obviously they would make some use of the licenses.

Unfortunately, the only thing I can see happening in either of these companies cases though would be them using Atari for the licenses, putting them in their back pocket for releases on other consoles and the PC under their name and the Atari Corporation name almost being forgotten. Sadly, that is all I can see happening in these cases, though I hope I am dead wrong!

Perhaps it was naive of me to even consider thinking someone might buy Atari Corporation and then re-enter a very nasty console market which at this peroid in time seems to be going through a miniature crash with companies like Sega struggling to make a go of things and even the two companies who are having moderate success still aren't seeing numbers close to that of the previous generation of systems. One can hope, can't he? Lets hope larger things are in store for the Atari name though!

Well, having mumbled on about that long enough, I'll hit a lighter issue. You may have noticed Geocities is testing a very annoying way of getting advertising in. That being the addition of an occasional page with an add that pops up and redirects to where you really wanted to go in ten seconds. I contacted Geocities and told them I felt the mini pop up window was a slightly less annyoing medium, but regardless I am a bit unhappy about this change, what can you expect for free I guess!

Well, having whined this entire editorial, let me take a chance to brighten things up and wish everyone a very happy holiday season. It is hard to believe Thanksgiving is upon us with Christmas just around the corner and with that said the treats of Worms and Battlesphere not too long down the road. Lets look forward to them and enjoy the holidays!

Written: 11/23

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