Is the Jaguar still alive?

Yes, it is. While Atari Corp. merged with JTS and is not currently supporting the Jaguar, it is still receiving third part support. Telegames and ICD are currently releasing new games while companies such as Dark Knight Games and VD3D have committed to future support.

So what happened to Atari Corp.?

They merged with JTS and are currently producing disk drives. The "Atari Division" currently consists of only a handful of workers in the United States and Europe to handle licensing. The Atari Corp. "Division" is up for sale.

So what games are on the horizon for the Jaguar?

Telegames has already released Towers 2, Breakout 2000, Iron Soldier 2 (CD) and World Tour Racing (CD). Worms and Zero 5 are forthcoming and they will support the Jaguar in the future if the current new game sales warrant it. ICD has already released Air Cars and will be releasing the long awaited Battlesphere. Also Dark Knight Games will be releasing a joystick and will develop Defcon1 while VD3D is working on Automaniacs.

Where can I buy Jaguar games?

About fifty Electronic Boutique stores carry the new Jaguar games from Telegames. Also Telegames carries most of the older games along with their new games. Bits O' Fun is also a comprehensive source for new and old Jaguar software. Video Game Liquidators sells older new and used Jaguar games at very reasonable prices. These are just a few starting places.

Is the Jaguar really 64-bit?

Yes, I am not going to pretend to know the technical aspects of game systems that well. What I will do is take a quote from Next Generation (not exactly a pro Jaguar magazine) regarding this: "Is it really 64-bit? Yes. The data path from 2 MBs of DRAM to the CPU and the twin custom processors, Tom & Jerry, is 64 bits wide."

How many Jaguar games are currently out?

Over sixty games are currently on the market between the Jaguar and the Jaguar CD.

Will Telegames release additional games after the original six?

Telegames has confirmed they will release Iron Soldier 2 Cart, plus a large Jaguar mail order supplier is reporting they are planning two additional unannounced releases at the end of the year.

More will follow as they come to mind.

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