Fight For Life

Atari Corp. Fighting Now Aval.

Game Description

Fight For Life is the Jaguar's first polygon fighter as you choose from one of the eight characters. As your goal in this game is to gain redemption and earn a second chance in life as you fight the ex-mortals to defeat the game and prove to the Gatekeeper that you deserve redemption. Each character has several special moves to execute with each character having its own signature move. Fight For Life has a beginner mode, practice mode, tornament mode and the two player mode. After each victory you receive a password so you may retain your additional special moves that you choose from at the end of each victory by your fighter.


The polygon graphics are very impressive in this game and really much better than I ever expected. They are very well done and very detailed as far as polygons go, which helped to make this game a very impressive fighter. I also enjoyed the camera movement throughout the game and I fell it adds rather immensely to the game. I think for this being the Jaguar's first polygon fighter it did extremely well. I really have little to complain about here!


The music in this game is extremely well done and is one of the better Jaguar games in this department. Fight For Life opens with a impressive upbeat FFL theme song and each character's board has a different tune which goes well with the character and the board. The effects are nicely done also. The voices appear often as each character has their own voices for their signature move and the voices are fairly clear. Also the effects along with the grunts and grones each character gives out when they are being attacked are fairly realistic also. Nice job by the folks involved here also!


The gameplay is good, though not perfect. My only complaint is when each character walks at what is considered normal speed their walk is fairly slow which makes the fights drag on a bit, though you also can make the character run. Aside from that, the gameplay is done very nicely. I feel the special moves are fairly simple to get off in most cases and really the overall gameplay is very good.


I think Fight For Life is a very good fighter and a very good effort from Francois Yves Bertrand and the rest of the people involved. I am generally not much of a fighting game fan, but I really enjoyed this game and enjoyed it more than any other I have played anywhere. While FFL is not perfect it has very few flaws and does well everywhere. This was the final game released by Atari and it was a pretty good fighter to leave with (and the name is rather appropriate, as it describes what Atari had been doing for several years prior to the merger). Luckily, while this was Atari's last game it was not the Jaguar's with the support from Telegames. I highly reccommend this game!

Graphics: 9.5 Sound: 9.5 Gameplay: 8.5 Overall: 9.25

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