Gorf 2000

A small developer by the name of Krunch has begun programming a conversion of the arcade game Gorf. I am going to try to do a preview (I have had a few requests for info), though info on this is limited. I'd hit the Jagu-Dome and see the interview with their programmer for the best info.

Gorf was a Bally/Midway arcade classic that they are converting over to the Jaguar. It involves fending off enemy ships. Like the other "2000" games they seem to be planning on adding modes such as: Classic, Plus and 2000.

The classic mode will consist of five screens and will involved ranks. The 2000 mode is planned to involved 3D graphics and sounds like it may be highly advanced. That is about all I know about the game, sounds interesting though, hope it someday hits the market!

Date: N/A

For best info
on Gorf: Jagu-Dome

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