Highlander: The Last of the Macleods

Game Description

Highlander: The Last of the Macleods was the second non pack in game for the Jaguar CD and is one of the first RPG games to hit the Jaguar. This game is based on the popular series Highlander. In this game you are Quentin Macleods who is considered the last hope for mankind. After your village was destroyed you realized your mission in life is to save mankind and eliminate the evil immortals. Your first quest is to save the Dundees from Kortans power.

Graphics: The graphics are quite impressive in Highlander. The cartoon sequences are very impressive. They are very long and there are several of them. The sequences contain a very minimal amount of grain! The in game graphics are also of high quality. Everything is well done, the characters look impressive and move realistically and the backrounds are very detailed. This game contains all around great graphics! RATING:9.5

Sound: The effects are pretty good in Highlander as they are fairly realistic in the fight sequences. Highlander contains very little in the way of music which probably fits this game best, I don't think music would be right in this type of game. The voices during the various sequences are very impressive as they are extremely clear and easy to make out. The Sound during this game is pretty good! RATING:8

Gameplay: While at first the controls in Highlander may seem very tough as you play for a few minutes you will find the controls to have become fairly easy to execute and you won't have any problems. Once I got used to the controls I found them quite fine. RATING:8

Overall: All in all Highlander is an excellent game! It is a very long and impressive game in all accounts, with excellent graphics and FMV sequences and does well in all other categorys too. What make this effort especially impressive is it was the second game to hit the Jaguar CD (well it actually may have been the first finished as it hit stores the same time as the CD) and with that being the case makes this game even more outstanding! It only makes you wonder how great the future for the Jag CD could be, I can only hope we somehow see more Jag CD games (like Iron Soldier 2 to start).

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