Hover Strike: Unconqured Lands

Game Description

Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands is a vastly improved version of Hover Strike. This CD includes enhancements such as extra levels, improved controls and full motion sequences. In this game you lead a top notch hovercraft across tons of levels as you try to defeat the Terrakian Pirates! Your craft is equipped with missles and a rapid fire cannon! Your job in most levels is to knock out key targets!

Graphics: The graphics in this game are improved over the original. The improvements are not huge, but very noticible. Also their are some quality FMV sequences, they are very clean and of high quality and they are not real long so they don't put you to sleep! All in all the graphics are pretty good! RATING: 8

Sound: The effects in this are vastly improved in over the original HS. The music is good, but it would have been better if they had created more in the way of different tracks. Pretty good overall!. RATING: 8.5

Gameplay: The gamplay in Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands is pretty good. The controls are fairly responsive, though at times you wish you could move a little faster but then again this is a hover craft. The controls are improved over the original. RATING: 8

Overall: In all this is a pretty good game. There are many vast improvements over the original that make this game much better. If you enjoy the find and destroy games like I do you will enjoy this one. RATING: 8.5

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