Iron Soldier was one of the most popular games out for the Jaguar and one of the best 3D mech games there are. It looked like at one point after Atari's demise that we would never get to put our hands on the sequel, luckily the fine folks at Telegames made that possible! Iron Soldier 2 is the CD sequel to the fine original with 20 levels of play, nice FMV sequences, an improved soundtrack and it brings forth an increased challenge (which is why my review is coming so late, I didn't make enough ground at first to where I thought I could do a decent review). Iron Soldier 2 opens up with an impressive FMV sequence that lasts several minutes in length. One of the better sequences I have seen on the Jaguar. You then move on to the level selection screen and finally begin play. Prior to starting play you can choose from your weapons and the selection is improved from the original. The graphics during play are improved from the original. Texture Mapping is very present in this version and the overall look of the polygons is much improved. Also there is a wider range of enemies in this version and they look very nice. Also, as I mentioned the FMV is quite impressive and very smooth. There is very little to complain about regarding the graphical package (or this game). The music in this game is downright superb! The track goes very well with this game and if you pop this CD in your audio CD Player there are eleven tracks for over 47 minutes of music which is an added treat. The package SFX wise has also been improved and the overall package is quite nice. They certainly took advantage of this being a CD sound wise! The control is similar to the original and who would complain about that! Also as forementioned, there are four new weapons and a wider range of enemies, some extremely tough adding to the games difficulty as you move forth. To conclude this is one of the best Jaguar games out. No major faults to speak of and they made some very nice strides from the original. The CD load time is pretty much non-existant as with almost all Jaguar CD games (except Primal Rage). This is certainly a must-have and I can't thank Telegames enough for bringing this to the market! |
Iron Soldier 2