Just in: I have been informed that I will recieve a prototype of this Joystick to review very soon. So keep posted for a review!
Dark Knight Games will be releasing a modified version of the popular
Gravis Blackhawk Joystick for the Jaguar! This version will have four fire buttons and you will be able to plug a regular Jaguar controller into this and play Jaguar games in co-op. The joystick is designed to be used with the highly anticipated upcoming Jaguar game: Battlesphere (and obviously it can be used for any other Jaguar game). This Joystick is scheduled for release in November and will cost $60.
In the future an additional trackball will be released by Dark Knight Games and will contain three buttons. A tentative date has yet to be set for the trackball. If you'd like to be signed up for the Joystick e-mail Dave Bell from Dark Knight Games and he'll get you signed up!
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