
DuranikShooterUnknown if release will occur

Update: Duranik updated their webpage and it has a wealth of new information. Perhaps one of the most impressive things is it will run at an extremely high 50/60 frames per second. It will also contain horizontal and vertical scrolling plus four layers of parallax scrolling. Again, this game looks awesome and I encourage everyone to encourage Jaguar Publishers to bring this one to the market! Level one will be avaliable via the Jaguar Server quite soon.

A company called Duranik Software is currently working on a new Jaguar shooter. It is called Native and it is a two dimensional game similar in mechanics to games such as the R Type series. The game does look quite impressive from the pictures I have seen and I do hope they get some breaks so the game being published is possible sometime down the road.

They have been working on this game via the Jaguar Server since late 1996. Again, they have made it very clear that they don't feel the chances of this game being published are very good, but lets hope it does. You can reach them at if you wish to show your support. They did say they will have their page updated soon and it may eventually contain a playable level. You can visit that at So lets all hope for the best and maybe someday down the road ww will all be putting this game into our Jaguar's!

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