
Developed by Imageitec, Produced by Atari

Game Description

Raiden is a classic arcade shooter that came out in the arcades by Fabtek and was then converted to the Jaguar as one of the first Jaguar games ever. In this game Mother Earth has fallen to aliens and you must pitch a counerattack as you are the pilot of the Raiden Supersonic. This game contains eight levels of play.


The graphics in the Jaguar version are much better than the arcade version. The graphics are very colorful and vibrant, with most of the different objects containing great detail. The downside is this is a fairly old arcade game so despite the beyond perfect graphical conversion it still did not take too much advantage of the Jaguars capabilities. Still they were pretty good, especially for an early game!


The music in this game is very good with a new track in each of the eight levels. The many effects in this game are fairly good, nothing amazing but certainly they will do. Really no complaints for the most part here, nothing amazing but still they are pretty good


Raiden plays like you would expect it to. Not particularly fast, but pretty well. Much like it does in the arcades, as you would expect, a beyond arcade perfect translation. There is nothing really more to say, it plays how it should.


Raiden is arcade perfect as it should be. The graphics in most accounts are better then the arcade and so is the rest of the game. I enjoyed this game despite it being very easy (I actually find myself replaying it quite a bit) My guess is you can find this now (being 3 years old) pretty cheap. With that being the case, if you enjoy shooters and enjoyed the arcade game you will probably get your moneys worth out of this one.

Graphics: 7.5 Sound: 7.5 Gameplay: 7.5 Overall: 7.5

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