
Game Description

Rayman is a very well known platformer for the Jag, this game probably needs no introduction, but I'll give it anyway. This game takes place in a colorful world in which you have to save your friend and restore peace and harmony to the world. There are over 50 characters in this game to challenge you. This game is by UBI soft.

Graphics: The graphics in this game are amazing. They are EXTREMELY colorful and each character is done with the greatest of detail and just awesome to look at. Rayman contains some of the most colorful and downright best graphics seen! RATING:10

Sound: The sound in this game is pretty good. The music is good and upbeat which goes with the game. Pretty good in all! RATING:8

Gameplay: The gameplay in Rayman is good also. It along with the graphics helps to make this game go down in platformer history. No problems here! RATING:9

Overall: Rayman is cetainly an awesome game which warrants purchasing. The game is a ball to play, and the awesome graphics don't hurt! This game also is long and will last for a while. Rayman also appeals to people of all ages, with it being challenging yet cartoony. I certainly encourage everyone to take a look at Rayman! RATING:9.5

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