
With ICD confirming they are interested in Skyhammer, I figured a preview would hopefully be necessary (as let's hope ICD decides to go through with it). Skyhammer is a 4 meg cart, which is what kept Telegames from licensing it thus far (as John Skruch earlier on had said that Skyhammer is a finished game). The game takes place in a gloomy 3D setting. You have to search for various items such as hostages, crafts and lost items.

There is a variety of weapons and the more you kill, the more money you earn. This game takes place in three cities and it is not railed which is certainly positive news.

Again, this game currently has not yet been licensed (or atleast to anyone's knowledge) and information is fairly sketchy. Check the Atari Times for a review of this game as it was quite positive! I'll keep this updated as information becomes avallable.

Developer: Rebellion

Genre: 3D Find & Destroy

Size: 4 Meg Cart

Publisher: ????

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