Iron Soldier

Game Description

You're 40 feet, you weigh two tons, you have the knuckle's of the century, and you have the fire power to destroy Manhattan within a few seconds. Sounds like fun, eh? Well, it's all takes place in a virtually texture-mapped first person perspective! This is Iron Soldier!


The buildings and ground are shaded polygons, which gives the game a very virtual look to it. It moves smooth, and the buildings have a fair amount of detail to them. Enemies (namely Tanks and Chopper's) are fully texture-mapped and look stunning. The backgrounds are perfectly painted as well. Explosions add to the graphical flare, and the weapons look great. Everything is excellent.


Music is slick. The opening track is the best of them all. There are a great number of songs, and they vary widely, from the Miami Vice approach, to some Military style, to moody night tunes. Sound FX are even more atmospheric. Enemies each have their own unique sound, and weapons and explosion look great. Rocket's sound awesome. Sometimes FX are dropped when things get hectic, though.


Gameplay is great. The baddies have a huge amount of A.I. and the combination of motion and options truly simulate the feel of this huge machine. You can go stomp on houses and wreck through buildings. The fun factor is excellent as well. Cool stuff.


A lot of things have been implemented to create a realistic, believable game. This was my first Jag game ever, and I have not been disappointed with it since. Unique mission objectives, tons of weapons and huge level's make Iron Soldier a total joy and a superb challenge.

Graphics: 8.5 Sound: 9 Gameplay: 10 Overall: 9

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