Tempest 2000

Game Description

Well, the description is rather simple, at least it *sounds* simple. You move around the edge of an object shooting things inside the object... "Huh? Simple" is what you think. Just wait until you play the game....


The visual effects are smooth. As you may have heard, there is color cycling, particle displays, Melt-O-Vision and more. The game has so many things packed into the graphics you'll be amazed. Lot's of color, lot's of movement, and a ton of cool things to witness. Though, there is some slight flickering here and there...


Gee, I think you all know how great the sound is by now... incredibly crisp sound FX, and an ultra-slick techno rave soundtrack. The tunes and FX are astounding.


The most intense game I have ever played!!! T2K soars in gameplay. The excitement is to much to comprehend. There is so much chaos it will drive you over the edge! There are also plenty of options and 4 different game modes to explore.


The game is a tremendous success. Everything from the graphics and sound to the little extra's have been greatly implemented. Plus, there are three stunning bonus rounds to get hyped about. Tempest is a must have, it's one those games that will always be one of the very best.

Graphics: 8.5 Sound: 10 Gameplay: 10 Overall: 9.5

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