Tempest 2000

Atari Llamasoft Action

Game Description

Well, I don't think this game needs much of a description, nor is there too much of a description to give as I think this game needs to be played to be understood. Here is my attempt to do so though, you are the blaster at the near side of the screen, your job is to blast everything that comes at you (sounds simple). You can pick up various powerups by obtaining the powerups that come at you during the game. The powerups can do anything from giving yourself A.I. Droid to allowing you admission to one of the bonus levels.

Tempest 2000 has four different Tempest games you may play. The original one, which is the old arcade version; Tempest Plus, which is a bit of a combo between 2000 and the original; Tempest Duel, which is the two player version; and ofcouse Tempest 2000, which is the new version that contains all the great new options and enhancements. This may all sound a bit confusing, but if you have played it you'll know what I mean and if you not, I will already urge you to do so (can you tell this will be positive)!


The graphics in Tempest 2000 are very nice, as they look 3D. The polygons here are very nice themselves as they are filled. The color in Tempest 2000 is outstanding, the shapes in this game change color and the color is done very, very well! And another positive here is the awesome graphics that are done in the first bonus level, it is rather tough to explain what it looks like, it sort of serves as possibily a cloud type layer (in space, I am talking about a layer here that will be above or below you depending how far you are) and is done in a awesome array of colors!


Well, what can I say here? In a word amazing! The techno-rave soundtrack has to be heard to be believed! Jeff Minter and company did a absolutely show stopping job here! Tempest 2000 has a wide variety of tracks and each one is of superb quality! This game contains some of the best music you will ever hear in a game and Atari even published a soundtrack for Tempest 2000 and it is certainly warranted! Also the voices are well done throughout this game too, congrads to Jeff Minter on the great job here!


Tempest 2000 certainly excels here too! The gameplay is rather tough to go on about, but is certainly done very nicely! The blaster that you control controls extremely nicely and adds to the greatness of this game. You are allowed to jump if you collect that particular powerup which adds another dimension to the gameplay. You begin each board with the basic gun and then your first powerup will be a superzapper recharge which is a large improvement and is essential in most levels. All the bases are covered with the gameplay, and it makes this game the ball of fun it is to play!


Well I think you have figured out I think this game is awesome and if you have played it I am quite confident you feel the same way. The game is done to near perfection in every possible category as Llamasoft overlooked absolutely nothing! This game is as addictive as they come and deserves to be played by everyone. If you have yet to play this game I urge you to go out and make the purchase, as this game is a great piece of work and still is the best version of this game you will find anywhere!

Graphics: 9.5 Sound: 10 Gameplay: 10 Overall: 9.75

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