Subject: RE: Towers II

1) Approximately how many graphically unique creatures are in the game?

There are 20 unique character graphics in the game.

2) How many frames of "walking" animation do most creatures have?

They have 3 moving in 8 directions and an attack graphic. The graphics vary in size, but human types are appx 45x60. We increased the size of the bitmaps to allow more detail within each monster then the normal 32x48 type character found in most RPGs that smooth scroll.

3) Does the player character (and/or creatures) have any projectile attacks?

Yes, several of them do, and they stay arms reach away from you and pelt you with magic attacks. :) You have to move up to them to hit them.

4) How big is the save-game EEPROM?

The EEPROM is 128bytes. As long as the Jaguar is on, you get two full saves to RAM. Once you turn off the Jaguar, and turn it back on again then the cartridge save will recontruct the save game from the EEPROM. All inventory and stats, locked and unlocked doors, full and empty wands and quivers, groups of dead monsters, and automap recontruction; fit into the EEPROM. Don't ask me how I fit it all, i still don't know. :)

5) What other CRPGs could you most closely relate your game to? AvP? Alternate Reality? Eye of the Beholder?

I would say Ultima Underworld.

6) Is there any environmental interaction? (ie-- breaking mirrors, blowing up barrels, moving walls, etc...)

Secret Doors, falling through cracked marble floors. Creating a temporary wall with the spell Create Wall. Freeing the Sword from the Boulder.

7) Are there awesome magical weapons of mass destruction?

Sphere of Annialation (sp?), and Hammer of Titans. I like the Fire and Ice storm. If you have a few creatures following you in a row, these spells continue through and damage each of them (and you too, if your in the path.) Also several weapons/spells only affect/do extra damage to certain creatures.

8) Is the game set in one huge world (like AvP) or split up into levels?

9) Are there adjustable difficulty levels?

Yes, by the character you select. Garand, Andros, are easier, then Tasler, then Merton. Merton is the wizard, who cant phyically hit well, and has no spells at the beginning of the game. He is the hardest to keep alive. However, toward the end of the game, He is pretty powerfull.

10) Does the ending suck? {g}

The ending is short, but not cheezy. :) Our music writer, even wrote a unique song for the end of the game. (sounds like a song to an end of a movie. :)

Vince Valenti

JV Games

PS Please excuse any spelling errors, I typed this quickly. :)

This was a response on Jaguar Interactive to a post at JI.