Towers 2

Telegames JV Enterprises RPG Now ($59.99)

Towers 2 Pics

Brief Note: Due to the fact I have not finished this game, or for that sake I am not even that close this review is not final and I may change it as I move along.

Game Description

In Towers 2 you are immersed within the strange happenings in the mystical land of Lamini. You must uncover the secrets as you explore Daggan's tower. Towers 2 has first person perspective, full screen scrolling, as you can talk to others, refer to maps, collect 100's of items, encounter 100's of creatures, and experience challenges in combat and spell casting. Towers 2 has 12 levels and a very good cartridge save feature. Towers 2 is the first true RPG for the Jaguar!


The graphics in this first person perspective game is very good. As you can see by the pic's it has a Doom type look and the graphics are well done for the most part as it contains details like the ceiling which some first person games don't have. The characters are detailed pretty well also, though their could have been a little more in that department. My only complaint really is that the characters are a bit pixelized when you get up close, but its not bad and does not detract from the game. In all Towers 2 does quite nicely in this department!


The music in this game is well done as their is a long combo of tracks. They fit amazingly well and add a bit of a errey felling into the game, as a noise that was rather stomp like was a part of one track and I still turn real quickly each time I hear it to make sure nothings behind my character. The effects are nicely done also as the walking noices and weapon noices are good and fairly realistic. No complaints here!


The play is great and a major highlight! The movement of your character is just right, as the speed is not overly fast or not overly slow. The control is quite precise also which is always needed in this type of game. The interface of the controls is easy after a few minutes. You need to press the A button to place the objects you find in your "storage" or to feed your character when he becomes hungry. The play is great in every category!


Towers 2 is a great RPG and an awesome addition to the Jaguar's library! Vince and all of the others at JV did a great job and I thank them for all the effort they put in to creating this game and getting it published! Towers 2 has no major flaws in any category, and surpassed my highest expectations! I have never been a RPG fan but I think I may have been turned into one with this game. I highly reccommend purchasing this game!

Graphics: 8.5 Sound: 9 Gameplay 9.5 Overall: 9

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