Troy Aikman Football

Williams Entertainment Sports Now

Game Description

Well you may be able to figure this part out, but I will go on to explain it anyway (briefly). You get to choose from all of the NFL teams as it is an NFL licensed game (though the two expansion teams are not in this), though it is not NFLPA licensed meaning you do not get to use players names. You get to choose from a wide variety of plays in the playbook, I found passing plays to be the most sucessful (hail mary, hail mary,....). You can choose from a full season, a full season in which you arrange your own schedule (which is nice, a 16 game season against the Jets), and ofcourse the exhibition games. It is a one or two player game.


The graphics in Troy Aikman are pretty good, with large players which is nice. Colorwise, there is not a huge palette, but its not too bad at all. The games grpahics are detailed fairly well also, though not extremely detailed as the players during the game could probably include a bit more detail (though it is not bad). All in all the graphics are pretty good though there was a little room for improvement here.


As far as music, basically all Troy Aikman Football has is the intro music, and that music is OK. The effects are pretty good, as the voices are very respectable and the other noises like the player contact are fairly realistic. Troy Aikman is very adequate here, basically what you would expect, but just nothing groundbreaking by any means.


Troy Aikman Footballs gameplay is pretty good. The passes go where you want (almost too easily, making the game a bit too easy, though that can be solved by going to options and having you control your recievers or increasing the difficulty level), and your runningbacks control fairly well, though they could probably be a bit more precise. The interface at the play selection screen is very well put together and is easy to use. Troy Aikman Football in all does pretty well here.


I enjoyed this game quite a bit. As there has been a bit of a lack of sports games, this was a nice addition to the Jaguar library. I thought it was a fun game and has some replay value also with its 16 game season (plus playoffs), in which you can save, as you may find yourself going through seasons with a few different teams. I had fun with this, though Troy Aikman Football certainly has some flaws. Nothing major, just small things here and there. If you are looking for a football game, this is worth looking into.

Graphics: 7.5 Sound: 7 Gameplay: 8 Overall: 7.5

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