Game Description

4 different B-ball courts, 15 different teams, and rim slammin', net burning, backboard shattering, dissin' in the hood, punking all around, two-on-two action is what the game is ALL about. An huge assortment of dunks and options make the game cool, but what *really* adds to the spice is the addition of a Jaguar Team Tap so you can have 4 homies going at it on the big screen.


Graphics need more work. Extremely sharp, high-resolution backgrounds look extremely smooth. Players themselves are fairly detailed, and the ball moves and bounces in realistic fashion. The camera is constantly floating and truly adds to the games flare. Very smooth movement in the camera, but the characters move *much* more choppier. The frame-rate is no higher then 15 fps, and is usually around 12 fps. This aspect makes the game quite more confusing, and unfortunately distracts too much.


Sound FX are more than decent. The best sounds are the digitized voices that are being screamed. Like "Let's play ball, baby!" or "Get off me!" it's all good. There are also a wide variety of samples so they don't get repetitive. Ball bouncing and rim hitting sound nice as well. Music disappoints thought. Simple beats and rhythms can get annoying, and sound like a last minutes effort to get some tunes playing.... though, the opening track isn't bad at all.


Gameplay isn't as furious as NBA Jam, but it holds it own. The boyz in the hood style of the cart add some excitement. Control is good enough, though performing a super dunk is fairly awkward. Decent gameplay, but doesn't have quite enough intensity or playability to make you keep playing.


The game could've used a last minute tweak, especially in the framerate department, upbeat tunes would've been nice as well. 4-player mode adds to the reply value and the overall fun factor, and whenever I play the game I enjoy it. The cart is very easy, though. You should be able to conquer it within' a few days. Still, for a good price it's worth picking up.

Graphics:7 Sound: 7 Gameplay: 7.5 Overall: 7

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