

Zoop is your basic 16-bit type strategy game. Your piece is in the center of the screen, surrounded by a 4x4 grid of moveable spaces. Pieces will appear outside of this grid, and will move in towards the grid. When one of those pieces enteres the grid, the game is over.

You can shoot pieces that are the same color as you are, and they will be destroyed. You can also shoot pieces of different colors, and that piece will turn your color, and you will turn that pieces color.

All in all, it's a fun strategy/puzzle game. Nothing special about the Jaguar version, tho.



Plain and simple 2D game board. Decent "shooting" effect, and a few other special effects.


** .5

Sounds are ok in this game. Nothing special here.


** *

Easy to control your piece. After you shoot, your piece faces the other direction so you can shoot out an entire vertical or horizontal row fairly easily.


** *

This game is very fun to play. Like the box says, "Worlds largest killer of time". It's true, you'll get hooked too!


** .5

It's a good game. You will get you hooked on it! Only drawback is that games are short (well, for me atleast!). Definately a good addition to the sparce Jaguar collection of good games!

NOTE: I really do like this game, and it really is better than the 2 1/2 star rating that I am giving it. But for a 64 bit system, it just doesn't compair to what the Jaguar is capable of doing, so that is why I have given it only 2 1/2 stars. If this game was for the Nintendo (8-bit), and it just might be, it would definately score 3-4 stars. :)

A big thanks to John Gaternt for letting me use his reviews! Visit his Jaguar website at: http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~jgante1/jaguar/jaguar.html

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