Heres what I got from the folks producing ZOT:

Subject: ZOT info from BiZarro

Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 13:50:26 -0700 (MST)

From: (Shaun & Camille and 8 others)


Well, ZOT looks like Pacman, but with boogerglasses (they're like sunglasses, only they are extremely reflective, but only on the outside, and they can focus energy, known as "BOOG" into a blast that blows apart creatures and machines) and he's got a chameleon-type tongue that can be aimed, extended, retracted, and flicked out to get it stuck on something. You can detach it with OPTION. Using his tongue, he can swing around, confine moving objects' paths to a circle by anchoring them, hitch rides on frisbees, and other cool stuff the player thinks up. In the multiverse ZOT lives in, the forces of normalcy and wierdness are threatening to overwhelm and destroy one another, and it's ZOT's job to set the balance right. Major imbalances caused by extremely huge and/or twisted things must be countered by either creation or destruction, player's choice. ZOT can eat any object his size and gain size with a special BOOST powerup. ZOT can also add these objects, some of which may be parts of creatures he blasted, onto himself, and these objects become body parts, which can be used with the numpad:

1: upper left arm/hand object

2: head gear

3: upper right arm/hand

4: middle left arm/hand

5: midsection

6: middle right arm/hand

7: left leg/foot

8: tail

9: right leg/foot

Any properly sized object can be used in any slot (eyeballs for legs, hotdogs for headgear), and any objects can be used locomotively, player's choice(walk sequence example: head, foot, tail, head, foot, tail, etc, always in a counter-clockwise pattern using the selected parts, which can still use their special functions). Every object does something, and some whole creatures can be used. If ZOT gulped, but not ate (gulping gets it in your mouth, eating an object "destroys" it and gives you it's boog) a frisbee, it would be in his mouth and he could hover around like a flying saucer, and spit it out any time he wanted, maybe to knock a telephone off of the nail clipper springboard (everything in this game is strange, even in it's normalcy, becuase of the imbalance, which causes "wormholes" to appear in imbalanced locations). The entire game will be true 3-D, and I got it all down on paper, so I just need to get it in Wordperfect and send it to ATARI so they can have the coolest game on the coolest system. I can't make it myself, though, but I designed all the terrain (ice,snow, lava, water, bricks, dirt, steel, crystal, retro, etc.), some of the creatures (plabber, psychlops, choconids, wheelies, flashplungers, etc), some contraptions (catapult, nail clipper, rocket pod, etc), the controls, the gameplay, ummm, and the powerups (football, particle shield, cloak, etc) and lotsa other cool stuff, including the fact that it's a combo cart and CD game, to allow faster load times, more details in saved games, and more data. My brother helped me design the flashplungers and the kamikaze bunny troopers :) I also determined that cool explosions will combine to create a larger one instead of being seperate small ones side by side, which is kinda unrealistic, but they only combine during the first stage of an explosion, and not during the collapse, so they don't start fading, then go XTREMELY KABLOOEY! just watch out for flying pizzas, because they try to stuff your face with peppers and make you run around breathing fire everywhere, but only if you hit them will they divide into 8 seeker pieces. Well, I hope that's enough info for ya, and if anyone hears about the design I already submitted : Club Drive 2-High Impact, could they tell me? tanks, bye :)

Bi Zarro, a.k.a Shokwave, signing out, with these words of wisdom: Don't give your thrustmaster a cowboy hat, or it might get ideas and drift. (no offense, cowboys :)