Reminiscing: 8-Bit Atari Games List
Alternate Reality - The City Arex Asteroids B.C.'s Quest For Tires
Ballblazer Bruce Lee Centipede Defender
Deluxe Invaders Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Jr. Encounter!
Fort Apocalypse Frogger Galaxian Getaway!
Gyruss Jawbreaker Joust Jumpman
Jumpman Jr. Mario Bros. Miner 2049er Missile Command
Montezuma's Revenge Ms. Pac-man M.U.L.E. Night Mission Pinball
Pharaohs Curse Pole Position Quix Rally Speedway
Rescue on Fractalus! Robotron: 2084 Satan's Hollow Sea Dragon
Seafox Serpentine Slime Smasher
Space Invaders Star Raiders Super Cobra Twirlybird

Comments? Questions? Corrections? Are you a Rainbow user with a game you want to add to the list? E-mail
My thanks to these people.